How automatically snapshot Hyper-V VMs Workflow PS Script
Open your Windows Power Shell ISE as administrator.
1. Create a Folder to store your scripts .
New-Item C:\Scripts –ItemType Directory
2. Create the following scripts .
- First create the Script for Checkpoints (AKA Snapshots) copy the script below.
- File name cloud be VMCheclpointdailyjob.ps1
#This script was created to run daily snapshots of VMs
Get-VM SVRVM* | checkpoint-vm
-SnapshotName "Daily Snapshot $((Get-Date).toshortdatestring())"
- Second create the Script for Remove VM Snapshots, copy the script below.
- File name cloud be VMRemoveCheckpoints.ps1
At this point you can change what days you want to delete more days you
can change the (Get-Date).AddDays(- #).
#Script to Remove VM Snapshots
Get-VMSnapshot -VMName SVRVM*
| Where-Object {$_.CreationTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-5) } | Remove-VMSnapshot
3. Set the Task Scheduler to automate this process
Create two Tasks.
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